Return Policy

Pretty Returns Policy

Oh no, it looks like your latest fashion find didn't make your heart skip a beat! But don't worry, we've got the scoop on our return policy to make things right:

Returns and Exchanges: We totally get it, and we accept returns or exchanges within 30 days of your purchase. Just make sure the item is in its sparkly new, unworn condition, and you can kick off your return or exchange journey by contact us here!

Exchanges for a Perfect Fit: Fell in love with the item but need a different size? No worries! Notify us within 30 days of your order, and we'll arrange a size swap. Ready to start the exchange? Click here!

Damaged or Defective Items: If your new treasure arrives damaged or defective, reach out to our lovely Customer Care Team at within 3 days of delivery for a swift resolution.

Doorbusters and Final Sale Glam: Doorbusters can only be exchanged for a different size. Keep in mind, though, that swimwear, lingerie, jewelry, bodysuits, hair accessories, hosiery, clearance items, and anything marked as final sale are yours to keep and cherish forever.

Return FAQs: Wondering about return fees? Nothing at all, we offer hassle free returns, just reach out to us and we will help with a pre-paid shipping label. 

International Returns: For our international friends, click here to start the return process. You'll need to use your own return shipping label for this global glam return!

Defective Delight: If a hiccup occurs and your item arrives less than perfect, contact our enchanting support team at within 3 days with some snapshots, and we'll fix it in a jiffy.

DIY Returns: Prefer using your own shipping label? Go for it! But remember to keep those tracking details handy and ensure it's only our lovely CeGlam items you're sending back.

Still, have questions about our return policy? Chat with our wonderful Customer Support Team at